16 Sept 2011

Follow Friday #15

Guys, i've finally got my ARCs of The Girl of Fire and Thorns and The Mephisto Covenant! I feel so lucky and i'm loving Covenant so far!

HOPPERS: If you are stopping by and especially FOLLOWING, please leave a comment and say 'hi'. I do read all of them and try to visit all of your pretty sites, so please make it easy for me. ALSO, IF YOU FOLLOW ME I WILL TRY TO RETURN THE FAVOUR, so spread some following love!

Q: It's that pesky magic book fairy again! She has another wish: What imaginary book world would you like to make a reality?

Wow, there are so many book worlds that i would love to live in, but one of my favourites would have to ne C.S. Lewis's Narnia (without the White Witch of course). It has magic, fantasy creatures, and a TALKING LION GOD, who wouldn't want to live there?
Of course, if you're going for a closer idea to our reality, I would definitely choose Rachel Hawkin's Hex Hall or Paranormalcy. A world where all of the supernaturals do actually exist? Bring it.

So, which worlds do you guys secretly want to live in? I know people have so many different ideas so please enlighten me!
Have an awesome weekend,
Imo <l:)>


  1. Great answer! I never made it all the way through the Narnia books, but they do have their appeal.

    New follower!


  2. This is a great one! Narnia would be amazing, but you are right, without the white witch!

    Have a great weekend!

    My Friday Memes
