29 Jun 2012

Follow Friday #36

Hey peeps! As most of you know Follow Friday is hosted by the awesome Parajunkee and Alison Can Read, so go ahead and sign up :D
HOPPERS: If you are hopping by and especially FOLLOWING, please leave a comment down there, i do read all of them and visit all of your lovely blogs! Don't be shy, and also, IF YOU FOLLOW ME I WILL TRY AND RETURN THE FAVOUR, so spread the love :D

However, if you a comment and don't follow me i'm afraid i probably won't follow you (sorry!) mainly because i'm trying to control by blog list. Thanks!

FF 2012 Feature & Follow #80
 Q: Birthday Wishes — Blow out the candles and imagine what character could pop out of your cake…who is it and what book are they from??
That's a hard one. I'd love to spend a day with the gang from Harry Potter (who wouldn't?) or Sophie Mercer from Hex Hall (she'd be hilarious), but in terms of literary crushes...definitely Tucker from Unearthly or Four from Divergent - especially since he could teach me some awesome self defense tricks!

So, who did you guys pick?
Have an awesome friday,
Imo xx


  1. I love each of the characters you chose!

    Thank-you so much for stopping by my FF.

    Sharon @ Obsession with Books

  2. Harry Potter is a great choice, I think he would be so much fun to hang out with.

    My FF

  3. Ya know what? Hermione should've been my second choice :)

    My Follow Friday

  4. I agree with all your choices. Harry was part of mine too! I forgot about Four...

    Liza’s Feature Friday

  5. I LOOOOOOOOOVE Tucker and Four. Great picks! Would also love to hang out with witches.
    New GFC follower!
    My FF

  6. That would be amazing! Imagine playing a game of Quidditch with the HP gang!!! XD I'm a new follower!
    My FF
    Juli @ Universe in Words

  7. Oh nice! Still still need to read the rest of the Hex Hall series!

    Here's my Friday Hops

    Have a GREAT weekend!

    Old Follower :)

  8. I chose Four too! :D he's so great


  9. Four was a great choice!! Thanks for stopping by!!

    Elle @ Love bigg Read Bigg

  10. Both Four and Tucker are awesome! To find out who I picked, you have to go and check out my FF post.

    I'm a new GFC follower.

  11. It's a nice choice, It would be very fun, I'm sure of it.

    old follower
