3 Aug 2012

Follow Friday #39

Hey peeps! As most of you know Follow Friday is hosted by the awesome Parajunkee and Alison Can Read, so go ahead and sign up :D
HOPPERS: If you are hopping by and especially FOLLOWING, please leave a comment down there, i do read all of them and visit all of your lovely blogs! Don't be shy, and also, IF YOU FOLLOW ME I WILL TRY AND RETURN THE FAVOUR, so spread the love :D

However, if you a comment and don't follow me i'm afraid i probably won't follow you (sorry!) mainly because i'm trying to control by blog list. Thanks!

FF 2012 Feature & Follow #80

Q: Do your reading habits change based on your mood? Do you read a certain genre if you are feeling depressed or happy?
If i'm depressed i'm more likely to go with the old favourites - if only because i can't be bothered a whole new novel (lazy me, i know). If i'm happy, however, i'm more likely to try something different and pick something up from my ginormous to-read pile.

Have an awesome friday,
Imo xx


  1. Great blog here! I love knowing more blogs to follow!

    I followed you via RSS! Hope you could drop by the blog :)

    Jaylyn @ Promiscuos Diva

  2. yup, gotta eat away TBR pile for sure, but the feel good classics that you know you'll enjoy are always good too! New GFC follower!

    Here's a link to mine, Scarlett at Books Before Bed!

  3. I'm happy to read any book from my TBR pile! I don't turn to specific books or genres based on my mood.

    Here's my Friday Hops

    Have a GREAT weekend!

    Old Follower :)

  4. Whenever I'm in a down mood, rereading old favourites is perfect! I'm a new GFC follower!
    My FF

  5. I love reading really depressing books when I'm depressed, because I cry and get my stress out then get over it! I hope you have a great Friday! New Follower..
    Ashley @ #BookNerd

  6. Hello! Stopping by from the hop. New follower via GFC

    What I'm reading will usually affect my mood but not the other way around.
    Please follow back at http://nettesbookshelf.blogspot.com
